Des Personnages et des Légumes - Bookclub FLE
Mercredi 3 avril à 20 h “La liste de mes envies" - Grégoire Delacourt (2012) ou "Quai d'Orsay" (chroniques diplomatiques) - BD Antonin...
A New Year Resolution : Delaying Dementia through Language Learning
Happy New Year, everyone. How many of you have made New Year resolutions ? What are they ? Let me guess - stop smoking, do more exercise,...
Why learn a foreign language ?
I have been reading a number of articles this week about why people choose to learn a second language. As I read, I asked myself if the...
C'est la rentrée : penser, s'exprimer, se souvenir, ressentir, aimer
La grande horloge tourne mais l’été n’a pas encore dit son dernier mot. L’été c’est la saison des coups de soleil, des orages, des allers...
Una breve storia : "CIBO PER GLI DEI O DESIDERIO PECCAMINOSO ?" Siamo in Italia nel XVI secolo: la zona delle Dolomiti e la Sicilia...
10 British slang expressions you will hear when visiting London
If you’re planning on visiting London this summer, you might just want to familiarise yourself with some British Slang expressions that...
En avant la musique !
Depuis longtemps, avec nos jeunes et moins jeunes élèves nous utilisons la chanson comme rencontre avec la civilisation française...
Lo smart working permette di abitare dove si vuole ?
Il lockdown ha portato a riscoprire una società incentrata sulla casa. Rivalutiamo le potenzialità di certe località ! Il mese scorso...
10 Shakespeare Quotes that you can use in Modern English The English Language owes a huge debt of...
Saga Baldoria & Hotel Borbollón
I’m very happy to be with you again to share beautiful news ... “Hotel Borbollón” is here! ... "Saga Baldoria" is here A Language course...